Clinton dials back attacks on Sanders as Iowa caucuses near

January 23 20:03 2016

She is one of those people who are more interested in reality and pragmatism over the kind of the aspirational dreams of some of the Bernie Sanders supporters.

Sanders’ backers say they’re frustrated with a system they believe is rigged for the wealthy.

With his bold ideas to bring economic security to the middle class, Bernie Sanders has snatched voters away from the Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a campaign stop at Bedford High School, Friday, Jan. 22, 2016, in Bedford.

She made similar calculations when she voted for and supported President George W. Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq; when she sided with the neocons in pushing President Barack Obama to escalate the war in Afghanistan; and when she instigated “regime change” in Libya – all policies that had dubious and risky outcomes. “You know people in Iowa literally are being watched, not just around our country, but around the world”, Hillary Clinton said.

As she had before, Clinton also pledged to overturn the Hyde Amendment, a measure that bars the use of federal funds being spent on abortions in most cases.

“I’m here for Demi”, Martin said.

Senator Sanders’ popularity has been the only real threat to her nomination for a long time and she needed him gone. By month’s end, Clinton had already racked up more than 450 endorsements from lawmakers, one of the best predictors for electoral success, and a Monmouth University poll found she was up 41 percentage points in Iowa.

But any if you look at the overall trends for this race, what Selzer points out is that a year ago Bernie Sanders was at 5 percent, Hillary Clinton was at 56 percent.

Clinton and Sanders are fiercely battling for last-minute momentum in the early voting state of Iowa. “Do it carefully, do it succinctly, but you have to do it because this is when voters are picking candidates”.

In December, Clinton led Sanders in the Hawkeye State by 18 points in CNN/ORC’s polling, 54% to 36%.

As The Christian Science Monitor’s Peter Grier observes, the latest TV ads by Sanders and Clinton show the difference. And Bernie Sanders is the man to do so, as he is seen a man of the people, a politician that can keep his promises and do something for the economy. “We all need a champion in the White House, and not just someone who says the right things, but someone who does them as well”, she said in New Hampshire on Friday at a dinner marking the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Sanders is pushing inspiration, and what he terms a political revolution that would eventually produce a swerve in the political direction of the country.

The big message Thursday night was to get out and caucus. His campaign has 14,000 volunteers operating in the state and expects 50,000 Iowans to have attended a Sanders event by February 1. “We have urgent business to do in America and if you give me the chance, I will work my heart out for you and I will continue to learn from you and make sure that we move forward”. Surrogate strategies – sending prominent supporters to campaign in your stead- can be hugely successful: Think Oprah for Obama in ’08, or, hey, Ashton Kutcher, a Cedar Rapids, Iowa, native, stumping for the now-president.

Hillary Clinton's lead over Bernie Sanders melts away in new national poll

Clinton dials back attacks on Sanders as Iowa caucuses near