“Of all the people running, he seems to be the one who can solve the problems“.
“I think he’ll be a great president”, she concludes in the ad titled “A Message from Barbara Bush“.
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump shake hands after the Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee in November.
Jeb Bush’s “favorite Bush” is now taking a more visible role in his campaign.
“Jeb has been a very good father, a wonderful son, a hard worker-his heart is big”, she says, elegantly coiffed and turned out in blouse and pearls for the 34-second video released by his campaign on Friday. The former governor has seen a modest uptick in his polling in recent days in places like New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida, but he still trails Trump by double digits.
The family topic isn’t new for Bush, who has confronted the issue of his pedigree since the start of his campaign.
“I’ve given it a lot of thought”, he said, adding that he was reading Jon Meacham’s book about “my dad” – “Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush”.
Jeb Bush, after speaking at an employee town hall at Timberland headquarters in Stratham, New Hampshire, stopped at the company store to purchase a navy sweater and a pair of boots.
Barbara Bush has never doubted that her son could make a great president. “I admit to being prejudiced as I am his mother“, says the letter. As the wife and mother of former presidents, she carries weight with the Republican electorate yet is seen as free of political baggage. I don’t think she was prepared to endorse anyone else’. But she was initially cool on him running in 2016.
“It’s good to get an endorsement from your mother”, Bush said.
The New York real estate mogul is not one to let things slide and this was no exception.
In an interview with Hugh Hewitt Friday, Rubio suggested that Bush may have decided, “we’re not going to win, so let’s just take everybody down with us”. “You know why? Because I am working my – you know what – off”.