Thousands of sharks clog Palm Beach County coastline

February 22 01:50 2016

When Blacktips move to Florida, the sharks spread across the stretch of Miami to Jupiter Inlet, occupying a distance of about 80 miles. He began to study Blacktip sharks in 2011, where he counted the species after it migrated to Florida for the winter.

According to the Telegraph the small shark had become stuck in the shallow waters at Palm Beach over the weekend.

As such, thousands of blacktip sharks gathering off the Florida coast may be a striking image for a first-time onlooker.

While the dolphin is a mammal, and so will not struggle to breathe in air, it does have a very thick layer of fatty tissue to keep it warm underwater, and so being exposed to the harsh South American sun likely caused it to dehydrate and overheat. As the middle of March nears, the sharks head further south and spend the rest of their year close to South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia.

Not surprisingly, experts seem to think it’s because of the people, and sharks are just as relatively docile as they ever have been.

“It’s not unusual, but it’s great to see them”, Kajiura told ABC News today of the number of sharks, which average six feet in length.

After holding onto the shark for one minute, he places it back into the water but the animal washed up only moments later.

A year ago saw a record number of shark attacks worldwide, with people bitten 98 times, smashing the previous record of 88, set in 2000. They are one of the few types of sharks that are able to live in both fresh and salt water.

By and large, blacktip sharks are involved in approximately 16% of the shark attacks that occur off Florida’s coast on an annual basis.

The swarms of sharks are swimming just hundreds of feet away from populous beach fronts, weaving among boats and paddle boarders. The sharks are not out to get you, and if they wanted to bite you, there’d be ample opportunity.

“These sharks are pretty skittish”, he said.

A man pulled a shark out of the ocean in Florida and took pictures with it. “They’re not out to get you, you’re not part of their diet, so you may as well go to the beach and enjoy the phenomenon”.

Professor Stephen M Kajiura of Florida Atlantic University captured this footage which looks like there are more sharks than water

Thousands of sharks clog Palm Beach County coastline