2 teenagers arrested after Labrador puppy shot with 18 BBs

February 24 00:05 2016

Authorities say a puppy, not even two months old, was found shot over a dozen times with a BB gun.

According to CBS4 News partner the Miami Herald, a utility worker spotted 15 to 20 juveniles playing with a black puppy Sunday. Authorities say the juveniles shot the puppy with a BB gun 18 times and threw a knife at it.

The animal also had a number of intestinal parasites.

Aside from several gaps in his fur, Brody is back to doing what puppies should be doing at Ebenezer Animal Hospital: He’s crying, napping, and eating with 18 BBs still inside his little body.

Staff at the veterinary clinic determined that the injured puppy is a six-week-old lab mix.

She also added it was a group of hospital workers who gave the puppy his name. “But I just want everyone to know they’re saying accused”. Doctors stabilized Brody with fluids and pain medication, and he is able to move around, eat and use the bathroom.

“We’ve been getting hundreds of calls a day about him”, Dr. Hreiz said.

On Tuesday afternoon, police announced the arrest of a 14-year-old and a 17-year-old in connection with Brody’s shooting.

Dr. Jay Hreiz told the Herald that because of his young age, it’s not safe to put Brody under anesthesia to remove the BBs; because none of the pellets hurt vital organs, they may not need to be removed as long as they don’t cause him any discomfort. The case has been forwarded to detectives.

Brody will be available for adoption through Project Safe Pet (www.projectsafepet.com) and any donations for his care can be called into his account through the Good Samaritan Fund at Ebenezer Animal Hospital (803-366-1950). “He’s so far showing a remarkable recovery given what’s going on with him”.

Teens arrested after puppy shot with BB gun in SC

2 teenagers arrested after Labrador puppy shot with 18 BBs