Trump accuses Obama of being the ‘founder of ISIS’

August 12 23:00 2016

Meanwhile, Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski took a different tack, saying that the billionaire businessman wasn’t, in fact, being serious.

Following June’s horrific nightclub shooting in Orlando, Trump had suggested that Obama had an ulterior motive.

Republican nominee and steadily melting creamsicle Donald Trump was back at it again last night.

“He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands – it’s one or the other, and either one is unacceptable”, Trump told Fox News.

“Well, I disagree”, Trump said. “The mainstream media wants to pick on every single word”.

“The answer is to finally make trade work for us, not against us so my message to every worker in MI and across America is this: I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, said Clinton.

But Trump did not explain fully what he meant.

Mr Trump repeated the claim in reference to the terrorist organisation, known as IS, three more times, before alleging the same of his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton. “What happens when he presses the nuclear button and then the next day says, “Oh, I’m sorry, I was just being sarcastic”?”

A string of unfavorable poll numbers and growing opposition from within his own party’s congressional membership have made Republicans increasingly nervous that they have toxic nominee on their hands that could endanger the party’s future.

“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS”, Trump replied.

“It was a style that none of his Republican opponents could cope with”, Gingrich said.

“It’s either going to work or I’m going to, you know, I’m going to have a very, very nice long vacation”. “What? Are people complaining that I said he was the founder of ISIS?”, Trump asked. “You meant that he created the vacuum; he lost the peace”, Hugh Hewitt said on his radio show. The Donald tweeted. Perhaps if he had made the “founder of ISIS” comment once, in a humorous way, this would make sense. He was the most valuable player.

He said Obama was the founder and Clinton the co-founder of the group, though the founder of the Islamic State was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

HH: But he’s not sympathetic to them. “The President has been trying to play down ISIS like it’s not that big of a deal, like they are not as powerful”, he said. “He was the founder. The way he got out of Iraq – that was the founding of ISIS, OK?”

Earlier this year, Mr Trump breathed new life into the conspiracy theories about Mr Obama’s birthplace – and refused to challenge a rally attendee’s assertion that the President was a Muslim.

Politifact called it a “pants on fire claim” and noted plainly: “Let us be clear: It is wildly inaccurate to say Obama or Clinton “co-founded” ISIS”.

The person ISIS doesn’t honor?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds a sign during a campaign rally at the BB&T Center Wednesday Aug. 10 2016 in Sunrise Fla

Trump accuses Obama of being the ‘founder of ISIS’