Manafort’s resignation continues the campaign’s shakeup, which started on Thursday and saw the promotion of Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager and the hiring of Breitbart executive Stephen K. Bannon as CEO of the campaign.
In spite of Mr Manafort’s efforts to impose discipline on the Republican nominee, Mr Trump continued to do badly in the polls and reportedly bristled at efforts to bring him under control.
“This morning Paul Manafort offered, and I accepted, his resignation from the campaign”, Trump said in a statement issued to reporters.
“I am very appreciative for his great work in helping to get us where we are today, and in particular his work guiding us through the delegate and convention process”, Trump wrote.
Manafort also said in a statement earlier this week that he never performed work for the governments of Ukraine or Russian Federation.
Rose said Manafort’s departure isn’t likely to fix the problems facing Trump’s candidacy. The allegations were first made in The New York Times on Monday. The campaign argues that the new leadership is designed to create a comfortable and effective environment for Trump to pull through in the final stretch. Bannon’s role had left Manafort’s position unclear.
Neither Manafort nor Gates were taking a paycheck from the Trump campaign as of June 30, according to campaign finance reports filed with federal regulators.
The alleged payments, which Manafort denied, were noted in a ledger kept by former Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych’s political party.
But Mr. Manafort was unable to convince Mr. Trump to stop his attacks on fellow Republicans and to appeal to a wider audience than those who backed him in the primaries.
“Trump still has to answer serious questions hovering over his campaign given his propensity to parrot Putin’s talking points”, Mook said in the statement.
After warring behind the scenes for months with Lewandowski, who had little regard for Manafort, Lewandoswki was sacked earlier this summer.
“I’m not sure the public pays a lot of attention to inside campaign stories”, she said. “I regret it”, he said, “particularly where it may have caused personal pain”.
“Donald J. Trump went Thursday night where Donald J. Trump, the candidate, seemed to have never gone before: He expressed broad regret about some of his caustic language during the campaign”. And you know that, and I know that, and so I’m very happy having the opportunity to participate through CNN and talk about what I think the campaign is doing right and what they’re doing wrong, both the Trump campaign and the Clinton campaign.
It was a rare admission for a man who has said that he prefers “not to regret anything” and it underscored the dire situation Trump finds himself in. Clinton, by contrast, has spent more than $75 million on advertising in 10 states since locking up her party’s nomination, Trump’s new investment marks his first of the general election season.
The disclosures about their work came as Trump faced criticism for his friendly overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin and as Trump announced that, if elected, he would ask senior officials in his administration not to accept speaking fees, for five years after leaving office, from corporations that lobby “or from any entity tied to a foreign government”.