At NBC’s Commander in Chief Forum in NY last night, Donald Trump praised Russia’s murderous dictator, Vladimir Putin, saying Putin is a better leader than Barack Obama.
The Republican candidate for the United States presidential election expects to have very good relations with Russian Federation and with President Vladimir Putin if elected, Donald Trump told an audience of U.S. military veterans.
Trump also reiterated his praise for Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, and argued that there was no evidence Russia had a hand in hacking the Democratic National Committee.
Clinton, who has cast Trump as dangerously ill-prepared to be commander in chief, tried to center the discussion on her foreign policy proposals.
“He’s been a leader far more that our president has been a leader”, Trump said of the Russian president.
“I think when he calls me brilliant I’ll take the compliment, OK?” the Republican nominee said, adding that Putin had “great control over his country”. “What I did learn is that our leadership, (President) Barack Obama, did not follow what our experts. said to do”, he said.
While Trump supporters claimed that Lauer disrespected their candidate, other viewers said the host repeatedly interrupted Clinton and never once interrupted Trump.
She said USA policies under her leadership at the State Department had helped promote security.
Republican Donald Trump was scheduled to appear at the forum after Clinton.
When asked by the shock jock if he was in favor of invading Iraq, he said: “Yeah, I guess so”.
Trump’s address in Philadelphia also included plans to eliminate deep spending cuts known as the “sequester” that were enacted when Congress failed to reach a budget compromise in 2011.
She responded: “I will talk quickly, but I want people to understand this”.
Clinton elaborated on those remarks at the Thursday press conference, saying putting a significant number of U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria would “fulfill one of (ISIS’) dearest wishes which is to drag the United States back into a ground war in that region”.
“What you want in a president, a commander-in-chief, is someone who listens, who evaluates what is being told to him or her, who is able to sort out the very hard options being presented, and then makes the decision”, she said. She said her vote to authorize the Iraq War was a “mistake”, then vowed: “We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again and we are not putting ground troops into Syria”.
Clinton also said she will convene a meeting of national security leaders on Friday.
He also had new praise for Putin. “And I could see myself working that out”.
With just two months until Election Day, national security has emerged as a centerpiece issue in the White House race.
The New York real estate mogul’s campaign swiftly shot back, with Trump spokesman Jason Miller calling Clinton’s remarks “the desperate attacks of a flailing campaign sinking in the polls”. Trump had tweeted in 2013.