New York City Stop-and-Frisk Facts: CCR Issues Statement

September 30 02:42 2016

This practice dramatically reduced the number of guns, knives and other risky weapons, as well as illicit drugs, in the city.

Monday night moderator Lester Holt overstepped his bounds and got his own facts wrong when he called out Trump on five occasions, the former NY mayor said.

Christie, a former federal prosecutor, cited the Supreme Court case Terry v. OH as the definitive ruling that allows stop-and-frisk.

“If journalism has ethics, Lester Holt unethically interfering in the area of law he knows nothing about”, Giuliani said.

J. Peter Donald, assistant commissioner for communication and public information for the NYPD, fired back on Twitter, saying, “Stop, question and frisk has decreased almost 97 percent in NYC since 2011″.

The court held that racial profiling violates the constitutional requirement that all persons be accorded equal protection of the law, according to legal references. Reviewing a random set of contact cards, the ACLU found that officers gave no reason or gave unconstitutional reasons (such as “suspicious person”) in half of the stops recorded. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article. It is a police technique used by all law enforcement agencies nationwide.

Holt was right when he said, “Stop-and-frisk was ruled unconstitutional in NY, because it largely singled out black and Hispanic young men”. He claims it led to the drop of murders in New York City.

But it also isn’t quite correct for Trump to call Holt’s claim “wrong” because that implies there was no finding of unconstitutionality in New York’s practices or that Scheindlin’s ruling was tossed out, when really it still stands.

Numerous stops were made by unsupervised rookie officers working without experienced partners in Operation Impact.

No, you’re wrong. It went before a judge who was a very-against-police judge”, Trump told Holt. This let the police frisk you and check your i.d for anything.

During my administration, the U.S. Justice Department spent two years examining stop and frisk and it filed no case.

Meanwhile, he says, places like San Diego, where authorities in the 1990s implemented community-policing measures similar to those that have emerged as a popular alternative, saw a parallel drop in crime, without the accompanying damage between police and minority communities. Even Trump and Clinton couldn’t get it straight when they appeared at Hofstra University on Monday night. The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in a scathing opinion, criticized Judge Scheindlin for improperly steering the case to her courtroom. Instead, it remains in force exclusively because NY dropped its case before it was ever heard by an appeals court.

Pointing to Scheindlin’s ruling raises another issue: Her ruling was in many ways a politically-calculated move by a judge with a history of opposing the police.

As in NY, stops in Chicago overwhelmingly targeted blacks and often lacked a constitutional basis.

But in 2014, de Blasio announced that he was dropping the city’s appeal of her initial ruling and would agree to her recommended reforms. But Scheindlin said it was being applied in an unconstitutional manner that focused too heavily on blacks and Hispanics.

And when it comes to the relationship between “stop and frisk” and decreasing crime, the picture is a lot murkier than Donald Trump suggests. Is that criticism coming from supporters of Donald Trump?

Mr. Giuliani was mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001.

Donald Trump at the debate

New York City Stop-and-Frisk Facts: CCR Issues Statement