What All Those Pre-Dawn Tweets Say About Campaign Strategy

October 02 23:02 2016

Hillary Clinton is criticizing Donald Trump’s Twitter tirade against a former beauty pageant victor, calling it “unhinged, even for him”.

While Hillary Clinton’s aides aren’t thrilled about having her marriage back in the spotlight, they argue Trump’s new focus prevents him from making an affirmative case for his candidacy and only underscores the concerns some voters have with his temperament.

“Well, he didn’t ask her [Hillary Clinton] about the emails at all”.

The former Miss Universe’s story has dominated media coverage of the election since Clinton brought her up at Monday’s debate, when she criticized Trump for denigrating comments he made in 1996 about Machado’s weight.

“The problem for Trump is the debate was the prime opportunity to shift that perception that he wasn’t qualified”, pollster Richard Czuba, president of the Glengariff Group Inc. told the Detroit News.

In a leaked recording from a February fundraiser, Hillary Clinton expressed empathy for young voters who sided with her then-primary opponent, Bernie Sanders.

“I’m really happy I was able to hold back on the indiscretions in respect to Bill Clinton“. Machado was also attacked for appearing in Playboy topless, though Melania Trump has modeled nude and Donald Trump appeared on the magazine’s cover Newt Gingrich reportedly said at a Log Cabin Republicans dinner on Wednesday night, “You are not supposed to gain 60 pounds the year you are Miss Universe”. Real Clear Politics poll of polls now show Hillary Clinton almost three points ahead – and that was before Trump’s 3am troubles.

In the clip, Trump says, “Beauty is beauty, and let’s see what happens with NY. She attacked them. Some of them have said their lives were ruined”.

Asked by co-host Sara Haines how she felt about Trump’s remarks, Conway admitted she would not have done the same.

The Clinton campaign touted 40 new endorsements from a slew of Republicans and independents on Thursday, including former George W. Bush and John McCain officials.

“There’s been a lot of talk about sex tapes today, and in a odd turn of events, only one adult film has emerged today, and its star is Donald Trump“, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill told a group of reporters in Florida late Friday, according to the Washington Post. Trump, though promising lower taxes and “jobs, jobs, jobs”, has intensified the dire warnings and personal attacks that have defined his outsider presidential bid.

Ms. Flowers admitted to a 12-year affair with Mr. Clinton in 1992, and he eventually admitted to a sexual encounter with her after years of denials.

Trump’s Republican allies have implored him to stick to attacks on Clinton over her family foundation, her emails or her long history as a political insider, critiques that fall further out of view whenever he sparks a new controversy.

If she says he’s an Islamophobia misogynist, he should bring up the fact that Bill and Hillary took $25 Million from Saudi Arabia. “She called Monica Lewinsky a loony toon”. Bill Clinton’s past could certainly come into play.

“When you have Republicans telling us that it is okay to give tens and tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the richest people in this country, do not tell me that we can not afford to make public colleges and universities tuition free”, Sanders said.

“I don’t understand”, she added.

Donald Trump

What All Those Pre-Dawn Tweets Say About Campaign Strategy