Republican nominee Donald Trump pulled ahead of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the latest national poll published Sunday by Morning Consult. After all, why would a campaign all but suggest that a hated foe is nearly certain to wipe the floor with their candidate before a national television audience?
Each has different opportunities and challenges in the debates. But he also said that he considers Trump by far the greater danger and will focus on attacking him in the final six weeks.
But even though Mrs. Clinton is likely to dominate on knowledge of policy, it may not matter. Instead, it’s a contest of character and demeanor.
If Clinton, the Democratic nominee, possesses deep Washington experience and in-depth knowledge of the issues, she lacks what supporters of her Republican rival see as his authenticity.
Multiple polls show that her use of a private email server without approval while secretary of state has deepened voters’ mistrust of her even though she has since acknowledged it was a mistake.
“And I can always trust him to speak his mind”.
Hindman said Clinton and Trump are “historically unpopular” presidential candidates who will be trying to convince voters they are “not as bad as you think”.
Mrs Clinton addressed the shift on social media by posting a tweet from Mr Cruz himself calling on Donald Trump to release his tax returns.
Ultimately, debates are performance art. Body language matters. He cites as examples Al Gore, who sighed repeatedly at the podium during a debate against George W. Bush in 2000, and Barack Obama in his first debate against Mitt Romney in 2012, at which he appeared “unprepared and uninterested”. But they do remember the “lies, sighs, and rolling eyes” that led to the consensus that Gore had lost the encounter.
Republicans are praising Hillary Clinton as the most skilled and experienced politician ever to stand behind a podium.
“Over 40 years in public life, Hillary Clinton has studied these forces and weighed responses to these problems”.
Clinton, a former NY senator and secretary of state, and Trump, a first-time candidate and reality TV star, are essentially tied with Election Day about six weeks away, according to essentially every major poll.
Trump will likely need to prove to voters that he has the policy depth and gravitas to serve as commander in chief.
Donald Trump’s campaign is planning for what it says will amount to $140 million worth of advertising from now until Election Day.
The role of Trump has been one of the most closely-guarded secrets surrounding Clinton’s rigorous debate preparations.
She has cut down her public appearances in recent days and is hunkered down in practice sessions in and around NY with her team. And part of it is just simply unfair, which brings us to the next question.
Ahead of the debates Clinton has been cloistered with aides and her papers at home in Chappaqua, north of NY, even practicing with relatives playing Trump. Gender communications research shows that men, when they are aggressive, are received positively.
Some 57 percent have a negative opinion of Clinton who they see as cerebral, distant or cold. And that puts Clinton in a bind, because as every political consultant will tell you, “If you’re on defense, you’re losing”.
“It’s a huge opportunity for Trump, if he can show a calmer, steadier, not-getting-his-feathers-ruffled presidential demeanor”, said Philip Harold, professor of political science at Robert Morris University.
But it hit the mark, framing Kerry as the favorite – even though Bush arrived at the debate with all the trappings of the presidency.
They differ on a whole range of issues, which are well known: immigration, gun rights, America’s global stature and posture, healthcare, taxation, race relations – the list goes on. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn’t have access to the internet were provided access for free.