Trump’s huge tax losses

October 04 23:03 2016

“After she called him a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobic – I don’t know – schizophrenic and I don’t know what else she called him”, Mr. Giuliani ranted.

Pence is governor of IN who served IN Congress for a decade. “It would have been insane for him not to take advantage of it”, he said. She is now riding a surge of endorsements in the Buckeye State with the historically Republican Cincinnati Enquirer making her the first Democrat in 100 years to receive the paper’s endorsement, and Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James publicly throwing his support to her, as well.

Schneiderman, who is a Democrat, filed a lawsuit in 2013 against the real-estate tycoon accusing his now defunct, self-styled Trump University of being an elaborate scam. While the incomplete tax records published by the Times show no irregularities, the size of Trump’s loss cuts at a core tenet of his presidential bid – his remarkable business success.

This week’s Sunday talk shows were full of opinions on the report, including one from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who said he thinks the release will boost Trump’s campaign.

“About a year ago we began writing very strong editorials about Trump because of his behaviour on the stump, which to us seemed authoritarian”, Boas said. That’s before the time period that he says is being audited.

At their first debate last week Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton speculated he was not releasing them because they could reveal “he’s not as rich” or “charitable as he claims”. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump finishes his speech at Spooky Nook Sports Complex in Manhime, Pa., Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016.

“Investors in his business, people who loan money to his business, banks that loan money to his business”, Giuliani said.

“He doesn’t care about those small businesses he didn’t pay”. Donations to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of State raise concerns that donors were hoping to buy access.

The Democratic presidential candidate spoke in James’ hometown of Akron, Ohio on Monday.

The Cleveland Cavaliers star cast a vote for Clinton as a way to build on the legacy of President Barack Obama.

Clinton was to campaign in OH on Monday. And polls say people do not trust Clinton — really. “Because he came back, and he came all the way back”. The election is just 36 days from today.

But the 1995 loss likely lowered his future payments significantly or eliminated them altogether. But the records obtained by the Times show losses of such a magnitude that they potentially allowed Trump to avoid paying taxes for years, possibly until the end of the last decade. By the way, are you proud of me? “I have brilliantly used those laws”, he told the crowd in Pueblo.

Although Mr Trump’s taxable income in subsequent years is as yet unknown, the loss in 1995 would have been large enough to wipe out more than $US50 million ($A65 million) a year in taxable income over 18 years, according to the report. “However, the blowback is especially severe for Trump because he is running under the banner of his expertise as a businessman and claims to have built a business empire of many billions of dollars”, he added.

Robby Mook tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that voters clamoring for change are realizing that Trump isn’t the solution.

In this year’s presidential race, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton released tax returns showing a total income of $10.7 million in 2015, earned with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The Times did not look at his federal return.

Giuliani, who did not dispute the authenticity of Trump’s 1995 tax records and did not say how much Trump has paid in income taxes, said that “this is rather common in large, enormous American businesses”.

“He’s taken corporate excess and made a business model out of it”, she said.

The Trump campaign released a statement that neither challenged nor confirmed the $916 million loss.

Celebrity billionaire Mark Cuban is blasting Donald Trump, saying that paying taxes as a rich person is “patriotic” and calling on Trump to explain which tax breaks he relies on. And he argued that it’s risky to extrapolate from the tax returns of a man who called himself “the king of debt”.

Clinton leads Trump by four points in latest national poll

Trump’s huge tax losses