Emails show Podesta warned about hacking attempt

October 29 02:47 2016

Years later, when the State Department asked Secretary Clinton to turn over her official records, she and her legal team deleted 33,000 emails she deemed “personal”. The Foundation adopted numerous recommendations. It’s not clear if Podesta gave hackers his password before he was advised by his staff, or if the email in question was the one that led to the hack.

As the Times reported, by past year, Clinton and her aides had formulated her talking points about avoiding conflicts of interest as president.

In the November 2011 memo, Band lays out how he founded Teneo five months earlier with Declan Kelly, one of Hillary Clinton’s top fundraisers during her 2008 presidential campaign. “In the matter of transparency, the Clintons must release all the internal documents related to the investigation of the Foundation, including interview notes and other supporting documentation as well as all initial and preliminary reports“.

Despite Broaddrick’s previous denial of an encounter at a Little Rock, Arkansas, hotel in 1978 in an affidavit for the 1998 Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit that was eventually dismissed, the issue of Bill Clinton’s sexual history continues to persist into the 2016 campaign cycle. In previously released emails, dated just days before this memo, Band expressed concern over the conflated, tangled and confused web of personnel roles and money in the Clinton world, citing, for example, his opinion that Chelsea Clinton was running a business out of the family foundation office. She later hired an outside law firm to review the Clinton Foundation’s practices and relationships. So insane”, and in a later email answers her own question saying, “they wanted to get away with it. The email was one of thousands released by WikiLeaks from Podesta’s hacked Gmail account.

Today, a Clinton campaign spokesman wouldn’t confirm the authenticity of the e-mails, which he said were hacked by the Russian government to influence the election by weaponizing WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks and Moscow have denied the charge. Band did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Abedin worked for the foundation, Teneo and Hillary Clinton after stepping down from her full-time job at the State Department.

Beatty and the congressional members also will visit a minority-owned small business, speak with members of the Somali community and visit churches, her campaign said.

The subsequent audit warned that some corporate donors “may have an expectation of quid pro quo benefits in return for gift”.

But they do show pronounced worries among the Clintons’ closest advisers about the millions of dollars coming into the foundation, and to Mr Clinton personally, and how they could inoculate Mrs Clinton from criticism over it.

Mook said he had not, telling Podesta the campaign was “told that everything was taken care of”.

Mills only replied, “Like this”.

To think you could have kept your email correspondence private if you had simply wondered why a Google account had sent you an email from a “” address. Ultimately, Clinton and her team did decide she needed to talk publicly about her email arrangement.


Emails show Podesta warned about hacking attempt