Le Pen’s bodyguard questioned over alleged misuse of European Union funds

February 22 10:42 2017

While in Lebanon, Le Pen also stated that if she was elected, she would restore relations with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“We believe German equities will be a relative safe haven within the euro zone into the election if uncertainty remains, and a clear victor in the case of a Le Pen win”.

But Mrs May’s spokesperson said this afternoon that she wouldn’t agree to a similar meeting with right-winger Marine Le Pen.

Le Pen was also campaigning outside France on Tuesday, using a two-day visit to Lebanon to bolster her foreign policy credentials.

Le Pen said she and Hariri, who has longstanding ties to France, agreed on “the absolute necessity” for nations wanting to fight the Islamic State group tearing Syria and Iraq apart to come “to the table”, an apparent reference to formal talks.

There was a refreshing feeling among Lebanese Christians upon the visit to Beirut of the right-wing candidate for the French presidency, Marine Le Pen.

“Dar al-Fatwa officials were surprised by her refusal to conform to this well-known rule”, the statement said.

“You can pass on my respects to the Grand Mufti, but I will not cover myself up”, Ms Le Pen said yesterday.

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen on Tuesday canceled a meeting with Lebanon’s grand mufti, Sheikh Abdel-Latif Derian, after refusing orders to cover herself with a headscarf.

Le Pen has defied a deadline set by European Union authorities for her to repay funds, estimated at around €300,000. She is also accused of paying almost €298,000 between December 2010 and 2016 to her France-based assistant Catherine Griset.

Le Pen reportedly returned to her auto and said that she had previously met with the Grand Mufti of Al-Azhar in Egypt without wearing a headscarf. “France is keen to make the most of opportunities after Brexit”, says Sky News‘s Dominic Waghorn.

It is not clear what impact the probe could have on Le Pen or how quickly the investigation will move forward.

The last daily poll PresiTrack from OpinionWay for ORPI, “Les Echos” and Radio Classique published on Monday, reinforced the impression that the leader of the National Front (FN) party continues to climb. Is Le Pen teaching Lebanese officials how to deal with foreigners in their own country?

“What we call in France “the anyone but Le Pen” (campaign) will work very well”. The party denies the claims.

Macron met with British PM Theresa May to polish his international stature

Le Pen’s bodyguard questioned over alleged misuse of European Union funds