With hundreds of thousands of data scientists on the platform, it would give Google the immediate ability to broaden its reach within the AI community.
Diane Greene, the senior vice president of Google Cloud, showcased a suite of partnerships and customer announcements that provided concrete results for the enterprise-focused strategy that Greene kicked off when she joined Google in 2015.
What Google has done is create a tool that enables users to search through a video catalog just like they would with text documents.
In an increasingly digital world, Pichai says, businesses are generating way more information than they could sift through on their own.
Despite a larger venue than previous year, crowds at Cloud Next 2017 were crushing on day one, with massive lines to get into the event and very long overflow lines to get into popular breakout sessions, particularly those around machine learning.
After all, Boston Dynamics recently unveiled a robot that puts our human limbs to shame – and now Google has announced a major step forward for AI vision.
Impressed with Google Cloud Platform’s Video Intelligence API?
“Kaggle and Google Cloud will foster a thriving community of machine learning developers and data scientists, giving them direct access to the most advanced cloud machine learning environment”.
The community is used by more than 800,000 data scientists.
Greene later said the Mountain View, Calif. -headquartered cloud provider is winning more than half the deals it goes after; she was asked specifically at a news conference about Google’s prospects in taking on industry leader Amazon Web Services. In addition, NetBackup or Backup Exec customers can seamlessly move backup data to Google Cloud Storage Coldline or Nearline storage tiers, helping reduce data storage costs.
Google, with its deep learning capability through its Brain project as well as the work done by Li, has an edge over its competitors in understanding and crunching large data sets, as well as understanding artificial intelligence.
“It’s taking Infrastructure as a Service to the next level”, Yen said.
But if Google can find practical applications for whiz-bang features like the Video API demo it showed today, it might find itself allowed into the next soirée.
The new Video Intelligence API is meant for developers to build applications that can automatically detect objects from a video. The problem is that enterprises Google needs to pluck from the reservoir are already tied to other cloud companies.