Who returns for BBC America’s 10th season (it returned to TV in 2005) on Saturday, and there’s a new companion in the Tardis (Pearl Mackie) and new monsters to be fought before Capaldi turns the role over to an as-yet-unannounced successor.
Doing a decent job of introducing a new companion, even if the alien left a bit to be desired and the choice of location near the end seems unwise, The Pilot lays enough groundwork for some decent stories in season 10. Your surroundings will look about the same, but there’s an intriguing sense of possibility in a kooky bartender trying to sell you on an exciting specialty cocktail or expound on how “the passage of time’s an illusion and life’s the magician”.
Oh my God, I am adoring the new #DoctorWho episode. I’d be really excited to do that’.
2 There’s a new companion in the shape of Bill Potts, played by newcomer Pearl Mackie. But Susan’s inclusion has added significance, given that Bill’s arrival is supposed to essentially reboot Doctor Who, returning us to a moment that echoes The Doctor’s adventures with his first ever travelling companion.
In addition to LGBT visibility, Mackie also discussed the importance of racial diversity on screen. When Alicia Keys came out that was a big thing for me because she was mixed race as well.
Turns out he’s asked her here because he doesn’t know why she attends his classes since she works in the university cafeteria serving chips (a.k.a. “fries”).
“At the same time she is witty and clever, and I think she is very much driven by her gut and her heart, and how she feels about a situation is very important to her and that is how she navigates through it”. I was just delighted to be carrying on being [the Doctor] and, no it’s not been bittersweet, really.
“It was so top secret that I thought some kind of SWAT team would come down and find me if I disclosed any sort of information that I was not supposed to”.
It’s official: Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor will be regenerating this season on Doctor Who.
This year’s series is the final one to feature Peter Capaldi in the title role and also the last to be overseen by Steven Moffat, who has been in charge since 2010. So becoming an actress actually exposed me and I got into a world of words, and that is the world I operate in now.
‘I’ll have done 40 episodes of Doctor Who. They also want the next Doctor to be a younger, handsome male, harking back to the Tennant/Smith era.
4 Matt Lucas is back as Nardole, the Doctor’s assistant-cum-valet. But not for long, perhaps: At the end of “The Pilot“, he goes to wipe Bill’s memory of the events (and amusingly, she’s seen enough sci-fi movies to know immediately what he intends to do), but he’s stopped by his memory of what happened with Clara in “Hell Bent”, and decides he can not continue living this way.
Over the course of five decades, Doctor Who has forever been reinventing itself.