Ramesh also told IANS that the bank’s engineers are working to fix the problem and upgrade the ATMs with the latest Microsoft Windows 10 software, that is said to be immune to an attack by WannaCry ransomware.
So WannaCrypt can lock up Windows XP files, but XP PCs were not vulnerable to the NSA’s worm-like spreading mechanism, which exploited a flaw in Microsoft’s network file-sharing protocol, SMB. Bad guys generally target Windows far more than Apple’s operating system because there are vastly more computers running Windows around the world. In the recent attack, which is considered one of the massive ransomware attacks, crackers were demanding $300 to $500 bitcoin for decrypting the file.
In an effort to immunize users, Microsoft on Friday took the unusual step of issuing patches for customers running platforms that are no longer receiving regular security updates – Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003.
“Banks must ensure that they patch all end-points as well as update their anti-APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) solution systems”, said Sen. “Paying a ransom does not guarantee the victim will regain access to their data”.
It’s tempting to howl at the NSA for not alerting companies like Microsoft when its researchers find vulnerabilities in their products.
China’s public security network inflected by Wanna Cry ransomware. Kaspersky Lab says that the majority of affected systems were in Russian Federation.
“We can certainly expect follow-on attacks”. Install Microsoft’s patch. 3. They should also use the indicators of compromise which are associated with this activity. Here are a few precautions to take to secure your digital data.
The attack, Smith says, “represents a completely unintended but disconcerting link between the two most serious forms of cybersecurity threats in the world today – nation-state action and organized criminal action”. The average ransom across all attacks known to security software provider Symantec in 2016 was $1,007.
Enter the ransomware hackers’ equivalent of customer support.
Do you know how to keep your computer safe from cyber attacks?
“This is big and set to get bigger”.
However, this assertion by the government goes against claims from cyber security experts.
Despite the discovery of an alleged “kill switch” for the ransomware over the weekend, many Asian countries like India, Japan, South Korea and China have been hit by the malware that began its spread from Europe on Friday.
Make sure that you have any important files backed up. So either use an external hard drive or a cloud-based system to backup your valuable files. Businesses in China had systems hijacked, Russia’s interior ministry had 1,000 computers affected and at least one South Korean movie theater had issues playing trailers.