Under the USA constitution, Trump doesn’t formally take the reins of power until January but he will begin the transition to his presidency nearly immediately.
Obama said he was encouraged by Trump’s wanting to work with his team on issues facing the country.
The dollar, the Mexican peso and crude oil all plunged as Mr Trump gained ground, with USA stock futures tumbling almost five per cent, likely wiping trillions of dollars of
It may have been suggested a Donald Trump victory could lead to recession, then eventual doom for all of humanity – but now the markets have an idea of what
The peso, which had been viewed as a proxy for Trump’s chances of winning, plunged more than 11 per cent, while the US dollar fell against the yen.
Emerging-market stocks and currencies slumped amid a global selloff after Donald Trump won the USA presidency in a stunning upset.
“People are sick and exhausted”, she said.
Mr Trump in his victory speech made shortly after candidate of the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, had called to congratulate him, promised to be a President for all.
Voters in California and Nebraska on Tuesday rejected efforts to abolish the death penalty in their states.
And Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu told CNN late Wednesday that the country is ready to “modernize” but not renegotiate NAFTA.
Alibaba said on Friday 84 per cent of sales in the first two hours were via mobile devices, up from past year. Sports stars David Beckham and Kobe Bryant attended
Still, output wont match 2015, which was the biggest year for US production in 35 years.