Stalwart Trump backer and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani also piled on Bill Clinton again for his infidelities.
The shofar is an instrument dating to Bible times.
It will take some time for the oil market to get used to the flood of shale oil production capacity which was put in place in the U.S. and other
The Trump campaign has said the document was illegally obtained by the New York Times and has accused the newspaper of being biased in favour of his Democratic rival Hillary
Death Valley at night is notorious for being one of the toughest environments in all of football. The team instead showed a complete lack of leadership and experience.
Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine is hunkered down in Raleigh, North Carolina, for three days of debate preparations.
In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper due to be published on Sunday, the head of Bafin, Felix Hufeld, declined to comment specifically on Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest
“Are you blaming Hillary for Bill’s infidelities? We see it. And little by little, more women are reaching the limits of their patience and speaking out”, she said.
“You see the personal attacks, she’s right back to attacking Mr. Trump on previous things that were said or were alleged to be said”.
“I thought he was fine”, Trump told on Fox News yesterday. “I didn’t think it was nice”, Trump said, before repeating his claim that he chose not to bring up
For Mrs Clinton, it is a question of her judgement and honesty – but for Mr Trump, it is his temperament.
Cristiano Ronaldo scored the first goal of the night, giving his team the advantage after only 17 minutes.