Binghamton Police Chief says “creepy clown” reports likely to continue

October 04 23:03 2016

The incidents come after numerous unsubstantiated reports of menacing clowns in other parts of the country, particularly on the East Coast.

Police said the man resembled a character from the movie “Scream”. “The caption on the post read, “When someone posts in the #PSU2020 Facebook group that there is a clown“, along with the hashtag “#PennStateClownMob”. Long Island Press reported that on the same day “two Long Island school districts initiated “lockout” procedures after clown-related social media threats that were later unsubstantiated”.

“Dollars 262 administrators and Valley Center Police Department are working collaboratively to investigate any and all posts that may be viewed as a safety concern”.

This isn’t the first time there has been a wave of clown sightings in the United States.

The frenzy was born in SC in late August after unsubstantiated reports surfaced that clowns were spotted trying to lure children into the woods.

Philadelphia Police announced Monday afternoon that their investigation, along with tips from the public, helped them to identify a 13-year-old girl who they say was involved in a series of unnerving social media posts about clown attacks at schools that went viral over the weekend. The student was charged and released into the custody of her parents. “Students should never walk alone”.

Students at Merrimack College in MA were told to shelter in place on Monday after a person dressed as a clown was reportedly seen with a weapon on campus.

“I heard someone got chased the other night”, says Jamie Burnett.

“The fascination with clowns is really the fact that they’re not real”, says Scott Bonn, a criminologist and professor of sociology at Drew University in New Jersey. No weapon was shown.

“It is my understanding that Baltimore police are also taking extra precautionary measures”, said House. When the resident checked his backyard, he found the gate open.

Sgt. Paul Parizek, spokesman for the Des Moines Police Department, said there have been no police reports of clowns in the area.

But John Miller, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner for counterterrorism and intelligence, said no clown threats investigated have turned out to be credible.

When the news broke Monday that BHS could face clowns of their own, the city school district sent a recording to parents warning them. “Creepy clowns” have been spotted in at least 10 different states and do not seem geared toward frightening coulrophobics, but toward frightening everyone – with scary masks and odd behavior.

C.E. King Middle and High School were targeted by clown-related threats Monday and caused the district to up the security at the schools for the day

Binghamton Police Chief says “creepy clown” reports likely to continue