Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has claimed that the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi might even go to the extent of killing him and his party MLAs in the days to come. Aam Aadmi Party lawmaker Asim Ahmed Khan, who was sacked from the Delhi cabinet previous year on charges of corruption, has said he and his family were facing “death threats” from Mr Kejriwal and some of his partymen.
# All AAP volunteers, ministers should be prepared to go to jail, even get killed. “This has got me thinking whether the country is in the right hands or not”, he said.
The BJP hit back at Kejriwal over his “shameful” attack on the Prime Minister and asked him to not blame Modi for his failures and instead act against his party leaders “involved” in various crimes.
Kejriwal ~ Modi ji Mujhe Maarne Ke Liye Patal Lok Me Jaakar Dharti Hila Rahe Hai! “If you are not ready, there is some weakness in your mind, then leave all this for a few days”, Kejriwal said. “They can do anything”, said Kejriwal in a video message he uploaded on YouTube, reported the Hindustan Times.
“Every section of the country is angry with the Centre be it traders or students or Dalits or minorities or farmers”, said he.
Speaking to the “aam admi” (common people), who give his Aam Admi Party (AAP) its name, Kejriwal claimed he is kept awake at night by the regime of terror unleashed by the government. When there will be no opponent, power will remain with Them. “Have you seen Congress or any other party having the courage to raise its voice?” he said. “They should be arrested at once”, Ashutosh said.
“Ten (sic) of our MLAs have been arrested”.
The AAP supremo said, “We are not understanding why all the departments of the Centre are behind us”.
Kejriwal, who has called Modi a psychopath and coward in the past, said the country would be in danger if the Prime Minister starts taking decisions guided by “no rhyme or reason but anger”. “Similarly, Delhi Police is being used by the Centre to frame MLAs and take legal action against them”.
The Chief Minister asked Kejriwal to stop reducing politics to cheap, street theatre and to return to politics of development and service of the people.