Bloomberg, who served as the mayor of New York City for 12 years, has never spoke at a political convention as a partisan, though he did appear at the 2004 Republican convention in New York while serving as mayor.
That maya all be true, but Bloomberg has already made clear his disdain for republican nominee Donald Trump, most notably by declining to run for president himself. Tim Kaine, a former Richmond mayor and Virginia governor who is a strong proponent of gun control, as Mrs. Clinton’s running mate.
Bloomberg’s nod is important symbolically, given his status as perhaps the nation’s highest-profile independent politician, his successful business background and the fact that he hails from Republican Donald Trump’s backyard in New York City.
“As the nation’s leading independent and a pragmatic business leader, Mike has supported candidates from both sides of the aisle”, Bloomberg senior adviser Howard Wolfson told the New York Times, which first reported the news.
The independent is expected to speak at the Democrat National Convention this Wednesday, the same evening as President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Bloomberg had previously been a Democrat before switching his party affiliation to Republican before his successful 2001 run for mayor.
In a scathing March editorial for the media organization bearing his own name, Bloomberg said he refused to help elect either of the then-front-runners for the GOP. Bloomberg clarified the threat by explaining Trump is dividing the people of the United States and jeopardizes our moral leadership around the world.