Bob Knight endorses Donald Trump in Indianapolis

April 30 23:00 2016

Shouted a few obscenities along the way. Indiana Family Institute President Curt Smith said Pence could “lock in” his base voters by endorsing Cruz.

“You folks are taking a look at the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the United States – that man right there”, Knight told the large, cheering crowd.

Continuing the tradition of old, white men with a odd affinity for chairs endorsing likely Republican nominees, yesterday former IN basketball coach Bobby Knight came out IN support of Donald Trump, claiming that he’s “the most prepared man IN history to step IN as president of the United States”.

Speaking of greatest, this is tough to beat in the headline category.

However, if he can get enough of a bump from an announcement; he might be able to get enough momentum to deny Donald Trump winning the nomination before the convention.

But while Knight dedicated some of his speech to praising Trump, he also went on several minutes-long tangents that appeared to have little to do with his endorsement.

Pence had said he’s “for anybody but Hillary and Bernie Sanders” but he is expected to end his silence on Friday. “IN now has the chance to speak not only for Hoosiers across the state, but for people across this country that value Midwestern common sense, that value good judgment”, the Texas senator said. Indianapolis radio station WIBC said it would have an interview with Pence at 12:06 p.m. (1606 GMT), during which he would make “a significant announcement”.

Knight told the crowd, in particular its military families and veterans, that Trump would take care of them. “I particularly want to commend Donald Trump“, whom he said has given voice to people’s frustrations. “I think Bobby Knight may be a one off on that category”. “I think the most important thing in the world is that we vote for the best man there is for this job and you’ve already met him”, Knight said. “This man is not a Republican, he’s not a Democrat at heart, he’s just a great American”.

Knight’s introduction of Trump was centered around how much he adored the Republican Party’s leading presidential candidate.

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Bob Knight endorses Donald Trump in Indianapolis