She assailed Trump for accusing a federal judge, Gonzalo P. Curiel, of being biased because of his Mexican heritage, and she scolded Trump for disparaging a disabled reporter.
The Trump campaign dismissed concerns about crowd size on Mr. Trump’s first general election campaign swing, saying the events were only announced a few days prior.
Clinton spoke in a direct style that she has recently adopted to challenge billionaire Trump’s often brusque manner, referring to the presumptive Republican nominee simply by his first name in an effort to diminish his stature.
It would shrink the labor force by 11 million workers, reduce the real GDP by $1.6 trillion and take 20 years to complete (Trump has said he could do it in 18 months).
She is framing the race as a choice between her vision of a country that is “stronger together” and what she sees as Trump’s more adversarial approach to leadership.
But instead, Boot said, Trump has been “partisan and petty”. I accept the thesis of a law school classmate, professor Steven Carter of Yale Law School, in his affirmative action book that in any group of human beings there is a diversity of opinion because there is both a diversity of experiences and of thought.
With Donald Trump its all about him, not about the country, a core political philosophy, or even his supporters.
“I really believe I had at least something to do with it”, he wrote.
He adds, “I believe and hope that he’s going to change and improve his campaign”.
It is hard for anyone to understate Donald Trump’s influence on the 2016 presidential race. His fiery language and penchant for controversy has earned him endless free media attention and energized voters during the primaries, helping him secure victory.
“Wow, because of the pressure put on by me, ICE TO LAUNCH LARGE SCALE DEPORTATION RAIDS”, he tweeted.
Dan McLaughlin of NRO notes that the Reuters/Ispos poll has been Trump’s favorite throughout the campaign season.
“From time to time, he’ll use it. But’s a function of the audience and what he wants to say”. If the passionate supporters of both Democratic candidates came out to vote on Election Day, the duo would surely defeat Trump. That prompted some in the crowd to break out into Indian war cries. The more people who agree to be interviewed, the more accurate the poll – supposedly. As we all know, this choice can make or break a candidate.
Clinton struck a very different tone in a speech on Monday, urging “statesmanship, not partisanship” and “clear, rational discussion” on how to protect the United States from terrorist threats.
Trump has alarmed some mainstream Republicans with vows to shred worldwide trade deals, his demands that Mexico pay for a border wall and his questioning of U.S. foreign policy pillars such as its security commitments to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and Asian allies.
She’s learning, and that’s what we need to keep Trump from winning in November.
Except, of course, for Donald Trump. I think a state like Virginia is important.
Trump, who received an enthusiastic endorsement from the National Rifle Association in May, said the June 12 shooting at a gay nightclub would have been mitigated if the victims were able to trade fire with the gunman. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma on “Morning Joe” Thursday.
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But while Clinton has a NY constituency, Trump does not.