Clinton tears into Trump on taxes; he says he’ll save nation

October 03 23:06 2016

A sampling of polls released since Friday shows Democrat Hillary Clinton building substantial leads over Republican challenger Donald Trump in Virginia and New Mexico, and an increasingly comfortable edge in New Jersey. With third party candidates included, 47-42, with Johnson at 6 percent and Stein at 1 percent. Not surprisingly, Johnson was a two-term governor in New Mexico, is doing quite well in the newspaper’s survey.

In 2004, it was OH that tipped the election toward Republican George W. Bush in his close race against Democrat John Kerry. He also draws the support of 25 percent of men and 24 percent of women. Former Trump accountant Jack Mitnick, who prepared Trump’s taxes that year, told The Times the documents were authentic, pointing out that they reflect a printing error from his tax preparation software that he corrected by manually inserting some numbers using a typewriter.

“They have a sense of rebellion and denial that are merged in their support of Trump”, Wilson said of Trump’s most fervent supporters.

Before the first USA presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to rattle Hillary Clinton by inviting Gennifer Flowers to the event, one of many women alleged to have had an affair with her husband, Bill Clinton. “He wasn’t wrong when he said he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue and wouldn’t lose a single vote“.

Donald Trump rallied thousands of supporters in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Saturday night and launched harsh attacks against his opponent, Hillary Clinton. They range from MA, where almost 41.5 per cent of those 25 years or older have a college degree, to West Virginia, where only 19.6 per cent do. Trump still leads her by 5 points in OH, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday.

During the first presidential debate, Trump said if he avoided paying income tax, that made him “smart”.

Trump leads overwhelmingly among OH men, with 58 percent to Clinton’s 31 percent and he leads 52 percent to 33 percent among independent voters.

Clinton also out-polled Trump in the CNN survey when likely voters were asked which candidate had the better temperament to be president, 58 percent to 33 percent. That’s grown from just 1 percent in September. The percentage of Republicans saying they’ll vote for Trump declined to 73 percent from 78 percent.

Trump’s defense of his own indiscretions is that he wasn’t running for president at the time.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points, which means the race for Florida’s 29 electoral votes remains effectively tied – and tantalizingly within reach for both Clinton and Trump.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign accused the media and Clinton of colluding to set him up for fresh condemnation, to which Clinton retorted: “His latest twitter meltdown is unhinged, even for him”.

“But Donald Trump holds his lead in OH and stays close in North Carolina while she retains her small margin in Pennsylvania”, he added. 48 percent to 34 percent. However, more Clinton voters (55 percent) strongly favor their candidate than Trump voters (47 percent).

Hillary Clinton has a new campaign ad hitting Donald Trump for not paying federal income tax.

Hillary Clinton is leading in both Colorado and Virginia, shoring up support in two battleground states in post-debate polling.

“We’re going to close those loopholes – I’ve got a whole list of them to go after”, Clinton said.

In a two way race, Clinton leads in Florida by 49%-44%, in North Carolina by 49-46%, and in Pennsylvania by 48%-43%, while Trump leads OH by 49%-46%.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally Saturday Oct. 1 2016 in Manheim Pa

Clinton tears into Trump on taxes; he says he’ll save nation