“I love that. I’m going to bring jobs back and Hilary doesn’t have a clue”. There is something wrong when your only 2 choices for a ruler will still end in drone strikes, endless war, and stealing taxes from half of the population to enforce your opinions on the other half.
Protesters began lining the street around 3 Friday afternoon, waiting for Trump to arrive with his motorcade. Meanwhile, a new Bloomberg Politics poll shows Clinton with a 12 point lead over Trump nationally.
This is a campaign that is not headed the right direction, and Republicans have only a month to change it or just go ahead and save the money for 2020.
A flyer for Lion’s Guard Arizona says it will be “providing a safe environment for Trump supporters this Saturday” at the Coliseum.
Trump was also inspired by a protester’s cowboy hat and suggested selling a “Make America Great Again” version.
“I’ll be putting up money, but won’t be completely self-funding, as I did during the primaries”, Trump told The Wall Street Journal in May.
“It’s a reminder that we don’t belong”, said Tellez, who was targeted by the term and other epithets while going up in San Diego.
“Well, I think people may try to read something into it that I’m not suggesting”.
James Hartley/The Et Cetera John Aholloran, a lifelong republican, says he is voting for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton because he is “disgusted” by Trump’s hateful comments about hispanics and Muslims.
Trump also spoke emphatically about the need for more Americans to be vigilant when it comes to terrorists, saying they “have to report them fast”.
Trump repeated his call for a temporary ban on the entry of Muslims into the United States after a US-born Muslim, the son of Afghan immigrants, fatally shot 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando early on Sunday.
Trump’s biggest problems come with minorities.
The campaign, Burr said, likely has a list of potential names.
“It’s all about respecting people’s right to demonstrate”, said Mike Roberts, moderator of the “Protest Trump Arizona” Facebook page. Trump might not be their first choice, but he’s better than the alternative. Dallas was no exception last time he was here, and more demonstrators are being organized this time as well. He later went on to say that he believes respective laws should be left up to the states.
The Minimum Wage: To Raise or Not to Raise? Some of the nicest people standing in line, just a lot of good people, what you hear in the news about all the bad thing happen you know it’s not true. “But if it’s anything against Trump, then yeah”, she said. You have now viewed your allowance of free articles. “There’s no question about it. They’re living in hell, and something has to be done”. So yeah, Trump is coming to town and even the non-campaign donor plebs will have a chance to score tickets and see him.