Clinton’s remarks on young voters fuel new Trump pitch

October 04 23:02 2016

She is talking about your supporters. Clinton expressed empathy for young Bernie Sanders supporters earlier this year at a private fundraiser, saying that for people who don’t see economic opportunities being “part of a political revolution is pretty appealing”.

Later on in the clip (about 24:30) Hillary talked in more detail about Sanders’ supporters, describing them as inexperienced people living in their parent’s basements and falling for the “false promise” of a political revolution. And they are living in their parents’ basement. They want to make sure that, when they get out of school, they can get a job that pays them wages and salaries commensurate with the education they have.

In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Sanders was first asked to comment on Donald Trump’s tax evasion.

Did Bernie Sanders, who turned into a Hillary shill, stand up for his supporters? And by the way, during the campaign, we do have our differences.

Now after spending months telling us about how Clinton is not qualified and is the billionaire’s favorite candidate, he’s telling America that the only way to continue his progressive movement is by electing her.

Clinton’s approach is well-suited to a world in which Republicans will nearly certainly continue to control the House, and so a Democratic president will have to grind out victories of compromise in Congress and of bureaucratic mastery through executive action. Young people need to show up and vote’ Clinton resets campaign schedule with Sanders Trump: Sanders should pull Clinton endorsement MORE for Monday.

Leaked audio of a Hillary Clinton fundraiser that took place back in February is circulating today on social media.

Trump argued that Clinton delivered her comments in a “really sarcastic tone because she’s a sarcastic woman”.

Sanders’ visit to Bangor comes as Clinton attempts to regain ground against Republican Donald Trump in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District.

“HRC is not with you”, he added, in a late appeal to Sanders supporters. “I think that’s a very important point and that is an issue that, as a nation, we have got to address”.

“As Hillary Clinton said in those remarks, she wants young people to be idealistic and set big goals”, Caplin proclaimed, according to The Associated Press.

Trump may very well be leading people in a disquieting direction, but it is clear that he does not see his role as being a “wet blanket on idealism” crushing the unbridled spirit of the American people – and that may very well be enough that voters overlook his many flaws whether that is right or wrong.

“Young people seem to be listening to promises on both sides, and I’m anxious that you can’t get from here to there without going incrementally”, she says.

Few things get a political campaign’s blood pumping like secretly recorded audio of their opponent, the hope being that what the candidate said might be used against her the way Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remark was.

The Vermont senator endorsed Clinton after his primary bid and the two have since worked together on policies regarding health care and affordable college tuition.

He played on the theme that she is continuing to isolate herself from everyday Americans.

When my apartment lease wasn’t renewed and my job with a small business was eliminated, I did not have a wealth of savings to move into a new place.

It’s going to be close

Clinton is battling to convert as many young voters as possible, many of whom supported Sanders instead of her.

If only all bewildered millennials could be like Clinton’s own daughter, Chelsea.

Image source YouTube

Clinton’s remarks on young voters fuel new Trump pitch