Cruz Communications Director Dismissed for Misquoting Rubio
“I posted in haste”.
Nonetheless, Tyler shared on his Twitter and Facebook pages the Daily Pennsylvanian post claiming that Rubio challenged the Bible. If he doesn’t beat Marco fair and square, some disgruntled Rubio fans will stay away from Cruz and he’ll end up losing handily to Trump. I assumed wrongly that the story was correct.
At a press conference on Monday, Cruz said that he had chose to fire Tyler after conducting an investigation. But it isn’t. Tyler conveniently forgot to fact-check his source. Cruz’s spokesman posted an apology to Facebook and Cruz asked for his resignation Monday, saying it was not appropriate to question a candidate’s faith, even if the allegations were true. But I’ll tell you, even if it was true, we are not a campaign that is going to question the faith of another candidate. “Rick is a really good spokesman who had the unenviable task of working for a candidate willing to do or say anything to get elected”, said Alex Conant, Rubio’s communications director.
Ted Cruz has come under a great deal of scrutiny during the 2016 election for playing a number of dirty tricks to smear his opponents.
The conservative website The Right Scoop accused Rubio of mocking the Bible, saying: “Was he saying that because Rafael Cruz is Evangelical and he’s Catholic?” It’s high time for Ted Cruz to do the right thing and stop the lies.
While he condemned the occupation, Mr Cruz has aligned himself with the cause, and he was heckled for that position by protesters during the Las Vegas rally. “Perhaps that was the most disturbing one because they basically made it up”, the Florida senator said. He racked up a number of endorsements from party leaders on Monday, including Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah and former presidential candidate Bob Dole, boosting his efforts to become the candidate who can unite Republicans. “Who’s gonna be held accountable for making up this video?“. This latest incident appears to be part of a pattern, suggesting an underlying culture in which the ends justify the means.
The innocent “What book was it?” line is particularly cute, since the Cruz campaign later made sure to tell The Daily Pennsylvanian exactly book it was, in case people didn’t pick up on the smear on their own. In a subtitled version of the cell phone video circulated, Rubio then purportedly said “not many answers in it, especially that one”.
Cruz went on to call Tyler a “good man”, but said that his sharing of the story was “a grave error in judgment”.
This morning, Tyler followed up in an appearance on Fox News in which he said Rubio had actually said about the Bible: “There are a lot of answers in there”.
I think there’s a relevant verse from Two Corinthians that Donald Trump can cite.