CT gov to Congress: Gun violence is coming to your neighborhood
What else is there to say about guns?
A blueprint for a semi-automatic ban already exists in CT, which took decisive action following the Sandy Hook school shooting.
Calling these teens “Soros plants” or a ploy established by the Democratic Party to launch a campaign for more gun control is a mockery to their pain and suffering.
In contrast, the killing of 17 people at the high school in Parkland, Fla., has yet to reveal much forgiveness toward the shooter.
As much as I feel grounded in my beliefs on gun control, I don’t feel the need to express them publicly after this recent mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. After all these shootings, Congress has done nothing.
Since the whole issue has happened in Parkland, it seems that Trump is acting more like a baby and less like a president.
Now we’re back to square one.
80 percent of school shooters told someone of their violent plan or exhibited warning signs. Movements are starting, and a bleeding nation calls for gun control once again.
But we already know how this story will end. He should follow up by working to help legislators introduce tough gun measures like Connecticut’s, as well as other sensible measures such as raising the minimum age for gun purchases. While we can’t allow ourselves to be completely cut off from the environment we live in, maybe this is the time to look to sports. Besides, there are people out there who are more qualified than me to pull at your heart-strings and stir your anger. These two men have had their chances.
As at Sandy Hook, that has provoked a conspiratorial backlash as right-wing and pro-gun activists try to discredit and attack the students.
When I got home, my social media feeds were overflowing with thoughts and prayers. Gun activists and conservative politicians will appear on television, saying that a trauma like this should not be politicized and that now is a time to mourn.
The mainstream media has not acknowledged the essential place that communities of color have in the conversation about school shootings and guns.
I disagree with the superintendent’s secrecy stance on security because I believe parents have the right to know that their children are safe.
Why can I say that? We have to scream into the uncaring void that is our current administration because if we don’t, who are we? Then he took their guns away. The national polls indicate support for common sense gun control. If someone can buy a gun with virtually no restrictions in IN, then what the hell is going to stop that gun from getting to IL? Good for him. But too many misguided democrats like Vincent Fort fought against guns on college campuses. Victoria was one of the 26 people shot and killed on school grounds by Adam Lanza, who used a Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle similar to an AR-15.
“What we are seeing from these kids is an explosion of information and feelings that they want to share with the world and there doing this on their own and it gives them a tremendous power to set the agenda of how we feel about this tragedy as we move forward into the week after”, Morrison said. And I implore you.
“Analyses by the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence show that states with the strictest gun-control measures, including California, Connecticut, New Jersey and NY, have the lowest rates of gun deaths, while those with the most lax laws like Alabama, Alaska and Louisiana, have the highest”, report Foderaro and Hussey.
Our society does not have to be a society where guns are restricted. Obviously a gun does not have a mind of its own so firearms personification is a sick game and the wrong approach to the problem.
If you are a superintendent of schools in one of our Quad-Cities communities, or a principal, or a teacher or staff person in a school, a parent, or friend of one of the above, we each need to do something more right now.