In addition to the 55 delegates that were up for grabs on Tuesday, the state’s Democrats also have five superdelegates, two of whom have already pledged their support to Clinton. The delegate math has become well nigh impossible.
“In 2008, a similarly divisive fight played out between Clinton and Obama all the way into the last primary”, Meyers said.
Rallying supporters in California, Sanders said he would end up with about half of the delegates in Kentucky and promised to press forward even though he would need to win about two-thirds of the remaining pledged delegates to end the primary season in a tie. “Penchant for actual violence”, read both CBS and NBC reporters from a Democrat Party document about Bernie Sanders supporters, on their evening broadcasts Tuesday. And it could make Democrats question the wisdom of giving Sanders a bigger role at the national convention this July in Philadelphia. Wednesday’s results – her narrow victory in Kentucky and his win by about 10 percentage points in OR – doesn’t change anything: It’s over. But right now, the party’s leaders want to avoid making the campaign so bitter that Sanders’ backers refuse to rejoin the fold.
He was blunt about his feelings about the superdelegate system, implemented by the Democratic National Committee before the 1984 election to prevent candidates with little chance of winning the presidential election from being chosen as the party’s nominee.
Clinton also leads the popular vote with 12,989,134 votes to Sanders’ 9,957,889.
The Tracking Poll was conducted online from May 9 through May 15 among 14,100 adults, including 12,507 who say they are registered to vote.
The California senator spoke Saturday at Nevada’s Democratic convention, which descended into chaos when Sanders supporters lashed out at party leadership by shouting “Bernie or bust” as they yelled curses, made obscene gestures, threw chairs, and issued death threats to Nevada Democratic Party chairwoman Roberta Lange and her family. In fact, following Tuesday’s primaries, Hillary is only 90 delegates away from victory while Bernie Sanders is still 850 delegates short of a primary election win. Some people say that we’ve got a steep hill to climb to do that. But you know what? And he’s optimistic that Sanders and Clinton will join together for the fall campaign. New Mexico is overshadowed on the final day of state primaries by California and New Jersey. While unlikely, Bernie Sanders is holding out for a miracle.
“Bernie Sanders is being treated very badly by the Dems”, Trump tweeted on Monday. And I mean what I got was nothing compared to what the Democratic Party chair in Nevada got. “Bernie is better than that”.
Sanders does have some legitimate grievances.