On Monday night, Trump brushed off Clinton’s debate claim that he’d once shamed a former Miss Universe victor for her weight.
Machado said that at “18 years old, when you are growing up, that was disgusting for me” and said it put her self-esteem on the floor.
Rep. Mark Sanford, of SC, said there was a “sophomoric element” to Trump’s repeated interruptions of Clinton onstage. In 2010, Univision reported that Machado had had a child with José Gerardo Álvarez-Vázquez, a.k.a. “El Indio”, a trafficker who worked with the armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel. “And I’m really upset with [Trump’s insults]”. “I saved her job because I said that’s going to be ruinous”.
Trump may indeed regret that Machado is playing a pivotal role in the final weeks of the election. While nothing she can say will convince non-college-educated white men that she is a superior choice, Trump’s feeble responses may slightly diminish the enthusiasm of his key constituency. He also called her “Miss Housekeeping”, in reference to her Latina heritage.
The comments were reminiscent of previous times when Mr Trump has attacked private citizens in deeply personal terms.
“I’m not Miss Universe anymore”, she said. “The worst. She was impossible”, Trump said. Trump then criticized her weight gain in a 1997 interview with Inside Edition, calling her “somebody who likes to eat”.
As Trump courted Hispanic voters in Miami, Clinton hammered on an allegation she’d leveled the night before: that he is refusing to release his returns because he goes years without paying any federal taxes.
Machado became national news Monday when Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton told her story during the presidential debate.
Donald Trump unleashed a firestorm of criticism from liberals, conservatives and those in between when he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.
As Clinton made the link between what he said about Machado and his general callousness and sexism toward women, Drumpf attempted to defend himself by deflecting from Machado…and focusing on another instance of sexist fat-shaming toward a woman who “deserves it”. It’s a beauty contest.
He adds that she and other girls knew what they were getting into, adding, “It’s a beauty contest”. “He was calling some girls some pretty frightful names as well”, she added in the interview.
“I think actually Trump had a pretty good night”, Cole said. “That is the story that I need to share with my community”. I can change a few minds, then I don’t think this is the right person that can be a president.