In wake of Orlando attack, classic Trump returns to campaign

June 15 23:00 2016

Donald Trump isn’t expected to speak until 7 p.m. Tuesday, but his supporters have already started lining at the Greensboro Coliseum.

Former Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen, who served as the principal watchdog for wrongdoing in Iraq from 2004 to 2013, said he suspected “the fraud … among US military personnel and contractors was much higher” than what he and his colleagues were able to prosecute. Republican National Committee Chairman Riece Priebus also will attend the fundraiser, Diaz told The Enterprise. “We need change, and I believe that Trump is the one who can bring it”.

President Barack Obama is angrily denouncing Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, blasting the views of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee as a threat to American security and a menacing echo of some of the most shameful moments in USA history. This made his division “a high value target” for insurgents who attempted to steal the funds.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested Tuesday night that troops stole money that was supposed to go toward rebuilding Iraq.

Trump’s relationship with veterans has been a mixed bag. Gen. Paul Eaton, senior adviser to the group, told the Military Times. He insinuated that American soldiers were stealing money in Iraq. “I think the majority of folks want to come out and express their opinions. He said that”, Kaine said. “Millions and millions of dollars and handing it out”, he said of recovery efforts after the 2003 invasion.

Since he announced his candidacy, Mr. Trump has taken solidly pro-gun positions when it comes to issues such as gun-free zones, and has said the terrorist attack in Orlando and the attack in Paris in November might have been mitigated if people had guns to fight back.

The presumptive GOP nominee made some similar remarks in September in Keene, New Hampshire, about Afghan soldiers. “I wouldn’t be surprised – if those soldiers, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cash didn’t get there”.

Leo Shane III covers Congress, Veterans Affairs and the White House for Military Times.

Trump sounds like he once again doesn’t want to stand by his own comments, but if he did he would not be entirely wrong!

Trump, Clinton plan NC campaign stops

In wake of Orlando attack, classic Trump returns to campaign