They will also visit different colleges and universities to create awareness about breast cancer and the importance of its early detection. In fact, the five-year survival rate for patients whose breast cancer is diagnosed in the early stages is 100 percent. Amina Hospital shall also release their breast self-examination tutorial during this occasion, said Fadhila Almouaini, senior management member at Um Al Moumineen Women’s Association.
“We all need to do our bit and get behind the events in stores because everyone knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer”. And 40,450 American women will die from breast cancer this year.
Bermuda Cancer and Health is where all the money is going towards..
As their way of raising awareness for breast cancer this month, the Salem Police Department will add a pink patrol vehicle to its fleet. That message during the month of October will be breast cancer awareness. All are welcome to attend.
– Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Rides, Sunday October 9 – the Women’s International Motorcycle Association (WIMA) will hold its annual Pink Ribbon Rides in Auckland and Wellington, with hundreds of pinked-out motorbikes on the road. $10 donation entry fee.
When: Saturday, Oct. 15; registration: 8 a.m., walk: 9 a.m.
Registration for this noncompetitive, inspirational event begins at 1 p.m. and the walk will start at 3 p.m. The Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre is using the video as part of its promotional material. Schools should participate through School Spirit. Stop & Shop is an Ahold company. Tickets can be purchased in advance from Keith’s Kitchen, BAA Parking Lot, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre or online at
“The hope is through research, we won’t just find a cure for breast cancer but other types of cancer as well”, Petrie said.
Breast cancer can potentially be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet and good weight, along with getting checked by your doctor if the disease runs in your family, according to Dr. Owens. All funds raised will support our charitable outreach initiatives which include the Radiation Therapy Initiative our Equal Access Fund.
For the first time since its inception in 2014, the Pink October movement is receiving financial support from GlobalCapital.
To make an appointment or for more information, contact me at 740-992-6626 or join me at a MCCI Komen-funded Pink with Purpose Friend to Friend session at 1 p.m. October 7 at the Mulberry Community Center, 260 Mulberry Pomeroy.