Beijing’s announcement appears to be in line with the Pentagon’s assessment that China possesses the capacity to construct and deploy a number of aircraft carriers in the coming 15 years.
London equities lost 0.6 percent, Paris 0.5 percent and Frankfurt 1.1 percent in its last day of trade for 2015.
In its annual report, Chipotle has noted it may be at a higher risk for outbreaks of food-borne illnesses because of its “fresh produce and meats rather than frozen, and
An airport spokesman in Chattanooga says Allegiant Air Flight 760 had engine trouble after leaving Orlando and had to land in Tennessee.
“We are expecting over the Christmas holidays that as many as 400,000 were sold”, Lance Lunsford, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Texas told News Radio 1200 WOAI.
Domestic fuels have been heavily subsidized, but Riyadh has been under pressure to bring its spending under control as its budget deficit in 2015 ballooned to Riyal 367 billion due
The FDA said it is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local officials.
While more than two-thirds of US stations are selling gas for less than $2 per gallon, none of them are in California. However, Chicago’s average isn’t that low.
For comparison, the seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate for Virginia in November was 4 percent while the national jobless rate was 4.8 percent.
Can it ever replace your laptop? Laptops might not appear as sexy or draw as many headlines as some sort of computer/tablet hybrid device, but the reality is today’s laptops are awesome and they’re
Depth and a bit of inexperience at the heart of the offensive line could mar the No. 25 USC Trojans (8-5) as they aim for a second straight Holiday Bowl
SpaceX has been in the race toward the first successful rocket landing for some time, a race it lost just weeks ago to Blue Origin, the civilian space company run