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Local media outlets and civil rights groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center have documented dozens of incidents of anti-black online harassment, Muslim women having their hijabs ripped off, and immigrants being hassled in the wake of Election Day.
During the CBS interview, which aired on Sunday night, Mr Trump set out some of his initial plans for when he replaces outgoing President Barack Obama in January. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.
He says many of those people are already in school or working and could lose their path to legal status under a new administration. “I’m very good at this, it’s called construction”, said Trump, noting his wall to keep undocumented immigrants out of the US could be part wall, part fence. “(In) certain areas, a wall is more appropriate”, Trump said.
“I’ve been trying to stay low, stay off the internet, stay out of this mess”, said Phil Moncrief, who supported Hillary Clinton. “It’s got a long way to go, just so you understand”, he said.
Criminal immigrants in the country illegally: The Migration Policy Institute in Washington estimates that about 820,000 of the criminal immigrants are here illegally. “But it really shows the power of our country”, he said.
6. Will He Ask FBI Director James Comey to Resign?
“I think it’s hard to do”, Republican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told Chris Wallace on Fox News on November 13. I don’t – I haven’t made up my mind.
“I found him to be terrific”. I respect the Federal Bureau of Investigation a lot.
“There might be technology in certain areas with UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones] that can look out 40 miles and give us a better perspective”, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-California, told reporters on Monday.
Immigration attorney Clare Hanusz said people are calling her office, concerned that Trump will revoke DACA. “They would have to be physically confiscated I think in order for them to be invalid”. Trump reiterated he would defeat ISIS but refused to give any details. In his first interview after being elected the President of the world’s most powerful nation, Trump said that he will sort people by their criminal records.