Obama left me a handsome letter, Trump confesses

January 29 06:56 2017

During the rule of President Obama, conservative media outlets didn’t have anything positive to say about him.

Though Trump’s cake was a sham, Goldman’s creation for Obama was not fake at all.

During his first week in office, President Donald Trump signed six executive orders, one more than his immediate predecessor, Barack Obama, and six more than George W. Bush, who didn’t sign an executive order until his ninth day in office. Trump has vowed to repeal and replace the healthcare law completely.

“A lot of people think that signing these orders means Trump is making up new laws, but that’s not true”, Noah said.

Trump and his administration did.

Image Credit: Nicholas Kamm.

“(It was) in the drawer, which is a custom, but I doubt too many of them were written in this manner”, Mr Trump said. Trump wants to look good but he doesn’t have a plan to do good.

According to Donald Trump, the border wall is necessary as a nation without borders is not a nation. The Keystone XL pipeline links Canadian oil sands in Alberta to refineries on the US Gulf coast. President Trump reinstated the ban again this week.

Just as Candidate Trump dismantled conventional wisdom by ripping through the Democrats’ vaunted Blue Wall of Rust Belt states, President Trump seems intent on moving forward with policies he perceives will help rebuild our nation’s manufacturing base.

That was also a campaign promise. The goal was to prevent economic collapse and save between 900,000 to 2.3 million jobs and by the end of his presidency. He also used an order to create the Export/Import Bank.

Trump also disagrees with environmentalists who claim the pipeline projects could be detrimental to the environment and water supplies. A few major executive orders can outweigh dozens of smaller ones.

President Trump cited the first three as “executive orders” on his Facebook page.

He also froze hiring of new federal workers, except for positions in national security, public safety and the military. After harsh words stated at official occasions, it’s hard to find room for a step backwards.

Though the line of attack never made sense, Republicans spent years investing enormous energy into the idea that President Obama hurt the United States’ worldwide standing.

Now the deal is, well, history. Some orders carry less weight, while others are far-reaching.

After flirting with the idea of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, Trump ultimately endorsed a plan to restrict immigration from countries known for terrorist activity in an effort to prevent terrorists from exploiting the US immigration system. Gallup released Presidential Rating polls with questions regarding whether or not President Obama was handling education, immigration, foreign affairs and the economy. Meanwhile, Syrian refugees would be kept out indefinitely. Obama also claimed USA would accept 110,000 refugees from around the world in 2017.

Now here’s the thing: executive orders do not require the approval of Congress to take effect but they still have the same legal weight. Roosevelt used a single executive order to employ millions for the Works Progress Administration, and another single order to intern thousands of Japanese-Americans during the Second World War. On Friday, he signed an executive order to begin to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Trump’s executive orders include repealing Obamacare, and also bringing torture back to Central Intelligence Agency directives.

Address additional immigration issues, including the elimination of federal funds for “sanctuary cities” which refuse to hand over or detain undocumented immigrants. It’s the accomplishments he made that will lead us through the next four years.

Executive powers: What Trump can and can't do

Obama left me a handsome letter, Trump confesses