Proper Nutrition for Losing Weight

August 11 13:13 2018

Fad diets and those that people promote through social media are not always the healthiest choices as these tend to lack the nutritional elements that the organism needs for optimal performance. Although dieters may initially lose quick weight on a weekly basis, given the reduction of portion sizes or elimination of certain foods, the body will begin to fatigue with the passage of time. Therefore, individuals involved in the regimen will have to abandon the diet, and the weight will return. Furthermore, much of the initial weight that is lost is water weight.

Most research on losing weight in a healthy manner and keeping it off involves managing a healthy and balanced diet were individuals consume a lower number of calories and practice daily exercise. The goal should be to lose between half a pound to two pounds each week. Exercise does not need to necessarily include tedious routines like jogging or weights. Join a soccer league, surf Hawaii, or walk through nature trails. If people increase their heart rates, such activities are positive. Low in energy or need an extra boost? Use supplements like Mesomorph pre workout to take physical activities to a higher level. Exercise mixed with a balanced food intake are a perfect combination to naturally lose pounds while reducing the collateral damage caused by unhealthy eating habits, including type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.  

Regarding nutrition, many myths need debunking, and other information should be clarified on certain topics, including:


  1.     Whole wheat products: These include food items developed with wheat, rice, oats, or barley. The dietary guidelines indicate that half of the grains that people consume should be whole wheat grains because these contain dietary fiber, iron, and many of the vitamins.


  1.     Processed food advertised as low-fat or no fat: Many of the processed foods advertised in this manner have the same number of calories or more calories than the same item with the full amount of fat. Producers of these foods generally fill the item with flour, starch, salt, or sugar to improve taste and texture. Nutritional experts at a renowned women’s health practice in Branchburg, NJ recommend reading the information on the product label to confirm the number of calories in each serving.  


  1.     Skipping a main meal: Results of research studies suggest that there is a correlation between skipping breakfast and obesity. Furthermore, skipping meals slows down the body’s metabolism, which reduces the number of calories that the human body burns. Therefore, it is best to not skip meals and is beneficial to increase the number of meals in a day, while reducing the size of each meal.


  1.     The high cost of eating fresh items: Many people think that fresh foods are healthier than canned or frozen alternatives. However, this is not necessarily the case. Some frozen or canned fruits and vegetables have the same proportion of nutrients as fresh items and at lower prices. Make sure to select canned vegetable items that are low in salt and canned fruits that are packaged in water. Also, do not forget to wash the product to remove any preservatives.


  1.     Eating Meat: Eating well portioned meats are part of a healthy diet, even if the objective is to lose weight. Although it is true that fish, poultry, pork, and red meats contain cholesterol and saturated fats, these also contain vital nutrients like iron, zinc, and protein. As a nutritional suggestion, select cuts of meat that have lower fat content and remove the fat when possible.


  1.     Consuming dairy: Cheese, milk, and yogurt low in fat are as nutritious as those the regular items. These products have protein that helps increase muscle mass and assist the body is functioning properly and include calcium vital to bone mass.


General Guidelines:


  •       Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or reduced-fat milk.
  •       Limit the intake of additional sugars, high-cholesterol foods, high sodium meals, saturated fats, and solid fats found in meats.
  •       Consume proteins that are low in fat like beans, eggs, fish, and poultry.

·       Fill half of a plate with fruits and vegetables and select foods with a diversity of intense colors as these provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Proper Nutrition for Losing Weight