Republican Senator: Democrats should help us replace Obamacare

January 19 23:14 2017

Bernie Sanders denounce Republican efforts to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care law, one of dozens of rallies Democrats staged across the country to highlight opposition.

More than 20 million people are estimated to have gained insurance nationally through the health law.

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody”, he said.

When the ACA closed the so-called “donut hole” in Medicare Part D coverage, it saved PACE and the related PACENET programs $70 million a year.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected two days earlier that partial repeal would increase the uninsured nationwide by 18 million the first year and 32 million within a decade. Out-of-pocket expenses have increased by $1,000 on average from 2015 to 2016. “We’re encouraging people to go ahead and sign up and we’ll see what the future holds as far as the health insurance marketplaces”.

“As this plan shows, there is another way – a better way – to provide all Americans with health care that is accessible, affordable, and sustainable”. When they were forced to go on the healthcare exchange for coverage, they had to pay $130/month for a Blue Cross Blue Shield policy that came with a $16,000 deductible. And those who do have insurance are paying more, including some elderly individuals on fixed incomes who have had to cut medication doses to make ends meet.

Republicans say a good replacement would give states more control of healthcare programs and provide more stability in health insurance premiums.

Now, after half a decade of rebuke from voters, Democrats in their desperate attempt to save ObamaCare are viciously attacking the man who can fix the system. “You can’t lay all of the problems on Obamacare”. And with a repeal under way, it will be necessary for a replacement plan to be established.

The Senator then highlighted the devastating impacts on the debt and deficit stating that repealing the ACA without a replacement plan will add $350 billion to the deficit over the next ten years. Are they listening to those suffering the detrimental consequences of the failed legislation?

“We understand that many of our customers have questions about how their coverage may be impacted by the changes in health policy that are being discussed by the new administration and Congress”, Cathy McAllister said. Susan Collins not to vote to repeal Obamacare.

The Republican plan, as described by US House Speaker Paul Ryan, would abolish the individual mandate to purchase health insurance, offer new refundable tax credits for those purchasing insurance on the individual market, and create “high-risk pools” in each state for the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions. This also includes welcoming innovative solutions such as telemedicine, home care, and “doc in the box” options, so that we have greater access to care. He indicated that Republicans need to take care given that ObamaCare is already in place.

As the Republicans prepare to throw nearly 24 million people back into the health care wilderness to fend for themselves, people will stop getting preventive treatment and will wait until a potentially easy, curable health problem becomes a severe illness.

Top Health Official Predicts GOP Will Cave On Obamacare Repeal

Republican Senator: Democrats should help us replace Obamacare