“I do not believe that you can get huge speaking fees from Goldman Sachs and then with a straight face tell the American people that you’re prepared to do what is necessary to take on the greed and illegal behavior on Wall Street”, Sanders said.
Asked by CNN moderator Anderson Cooper, a former Clinton Global Initiative member, if she thinks the conspiracy is still out there, Clinton snapped back, “Don’t you?” After a town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, Fang asked Clinton if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs.
“When I was secretary of state, several times I said, ‘You know, I think I’m done.’ And so many people came to me, started talking to me”, she said.
Cooper: “But did you have to be paid $675,000?”
“Well, I don’t know That’s what they offered“, she began her answer.
“That’s probably what they offered”.
“Every secretary of state that I know has done that”.
Mrs Clinton also insisted she accepted the appearances while she was still deciding whether to run for president.
After name-checking Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers, Cooper stepped in with a follow-up involving a term Clinton coined in the ’90s: “Let me just quickly follow up”.
“I didn’t”, Clinton responded. I could not understand how they got away with it and I have had to learn to take criticism seriously but not personally and by that I mean this. And while the Sanders campaign mulls what it’s like to fall victim to the Clinton machine (after, even, being temporarily shut out of its own data by the DNC, apparently shilling for Hillary’s campaign, which couldn’t even keep its own data safe), Hillary is happily announcing to audiences that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is still alive and well – and she’s still in its crosshairs.
Meanwhile, insurgent Sen. Bernie Sanders said religion played a key role in his decision to run for president, something he has not previously admitted.
One group that brought in both Rice and Clinton in the year after they left the State Department illustrates just how different the two women’s approach to the speaking circuit has been. Cooper continued. “Well, I dunno”. This was on display at the Democratic debate in Des Moines in November, when she invoked the September 11, 2001, attacks to explain her flood of Wall Street money.
She added, “They want to go after any economic interest they don’t believe they can control”. “I have that dialogue once a day in some setting, and I don’t know that there’s ever any absolute answer”. I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed.
Clinton: “To be honest I wasn’t – I wasn’t committed to running”. “Fine with me”, she said. I’m going to jail them if they should be jailed.
Wednesday night’s televised town hall with Hillary Clinton featured the candidate at her best – and her worst.