South Korea To Restart Broadcasting Propaganda Over Loudspeakers To North Korea

January 09 21:57 2016

Early in the broadcast, the South criticized the North’s claim on Wednesday to have conducted its first hydrogen bomb test. The US government and other experts doubt that the North has achieved such a technological advance since its last nuclear test in 2013. The US and United Nations have also announced that they’re working on sanctions against the North as a punitive measure.

North Korea is seeking a peace treaty with the United States, China and South Korea to formally end the Korean War and will not stop its nuclear tests until it gets one, a person who relayed that message from North Korea to China told Reuters.

“Our military is at a state of full readiness, and if North Korea wages provocation, there will be firm punishment”, said Senior Presidential National Security official Cho Tae-yong, according to the Associated Press.

North Korea considers such broadcasts to be an act of psychological warfare and likely will have a furious response.

Known for his autocratic behavior and controversial comments, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will celebrate his 33th birthday on Friday in Pyongyang. “We know responding in this way is simply rising to the bait North Korea is presenting to us”. When South Korea briefly resumed propaganda broadcasts in August after an 11-year break, Seoul says the two Koreas exchanged artillery fire, followed by threats of war.

President Barack Obama, in talks with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, reaffirmed the “unshakeable USA commitment” to the security of the two Asian allies.

Underlying everything is Beijing’s desire to keep North Korea as a buffer between it and the prospect of U.S. troops stationed on its border in a unified Korea.

Thus, the North Korea nuclear issue is merely a part of the ongoing deterioration of global relations. “We have to be bigger than the North Koreans…”

Now North Korea wants those three sides and South Korea to sign a treaty.

“Continuing with words is not enough, we have to show we are prepared to take the actions to make the sanctions regime against North Korea effective”, he said.

The officials, both representing their countries in the multilateral denuclearization forum, also discussed bilateral ties during the telephone conference, the first of its kind between Hwang and Wu since the Wednesday nuclear test.

The U.S. State Department confirmed North Korea had conducted a nuclear test but the Obama administration disputed the hydrogen bomb claim.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is blaming the president for quote “playing footsie with the Iranians”, allowing North Korea to further their nuclear ambitions.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un signing a document for a hydrogen bomb test in

South Korea To Restart Broadcasting Propaganda Over Loudspeakers To North Korea