Ted Cruz launches bus tour across Iowa

January 05 01:52 2016

A Washington Post report indicates that if Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz wins the Iowa Caucus and eventually the Presidency it could mean the end of the RFS.

She also worked for Santorum when the former Pennsylvania senator won Iowa in 2012 and briefly for Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign earlier during that cycle.

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz said the anti-government activists who have taken over a federal building in rural OR should “stand down” during his first stop in a long campaign swing through the state on Monday. She left the Huckabee campaign in mid-December.

Cruz’s remarks came at the first stop on a 28-county bus tour of Iowa, where he has eclipsed billionaire Donald Trump in recent polls and become a growing target for his GOP rivals.

Rick Santorum spent his time in the Senate a little differently”, the ad continues, going on to tout Mr. Santorum’s eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee and his work to modernize the army and pass strong sanctions against Iran. The new ad is being shown across Iowa. “If you want to protect America and defeat ISIS, Rick Santorum’s your president”.

Cruz spoke to around 200 people who packed into a diner.

“Every one of us has a constitutional right to protest against the government, but we don’t have a constitutional right to use force and violence and to threaten force and violence on others”, Cruz said.

Sen. Ted Cruz speaks to the press during a campaign event at Cross Roads Shooting Sports gun shop and range on Dec. 4 2015 in Johnston Iowa

Ted Cruz launches bus tour across Iowa