Trump campaign: Obama born in the US

September 17 23:00 2016

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., called Trump a “two-bit racial arsonist” who has fanned the flames of bigotry and hatred. “President Obama was born in the United States”. He did not say Friday why he changed his mind or when.

It’s yet another surreal storyline in the 2016 presidential campaign. Donald Trump, meanwhile, admitted that U.S. President Barack Obama, who for years Trump suggested wasn’t born on American soil, was born on American soil. “This sickening display shows more than ever why Donald Trump is totally unfit be president”.

Trump told the Post he didn’t want to talk about the so-called “birther” controversy anymore, but refused to say what he believed about it. This was meant to be a milestone in the Trump campaign.

Trump was the nation’s most prominent birther, which helped fuel his political rise. Clinton’s figure is 28 percent.

“All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural, and putting that in a new light”. Her speech in support of Clinton at the Democratic convention in July was praised as one of the best of that event.

This “Clinton started it” line of attack isn’t new for Trump; he (and Ted Cruz as well) brought it up in late 2015. The U.S. Department of State uses “birth certificate” as a generic term to include the official Hawaii document, which satisfies legal requirements for proving citizenship and obtaining a passport.

Trump is widely considered the leader of the birther movement and has taken credit for Obama releasing his long-form birth certificate five years ago. She’s largely avoided the type of policy role that Clinton sought as a presidential spouse, choosing to focus on more broadly accepted topics like supporting military families and combating obesity in children.

He added: “Let us elect Hillary Clinton as president, and the day after, let us mobilize millions of people around the progressive agenda” adopted as part of the Democratic platform.

Trump’s statement in full: “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy“. A recent New York Times poll found Trump and Clinton in a virtual tie for the white female vote. Here, he’s saying that she’s politically weak as well. “I finished it”, Trump said. Was Hillary Clinton the Original “Birther”? In a March 2008 interview with “60 Minutes”, Clinton said she took then-Sen.

The facts do not match Miller’s description. He then immediately peddled another false conspiracy. That concept of “winning” is central to the message Trump has crafted on the campaign trail.

Donald Trump now believes that President Barack Obama was born in the United States, his campaign has said.

This is called burying the lede.

Donald Trump believes now that [Obama] was born in the United States”, Giuliani said on CNN. This statement waited until the second-to-last sentence to answer the question. “And now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again”.

The statement coming from Miller – and not from Trump himself – is roughly the same as what other top Trump aides have been saying for the past week. Trump repeatedly continued to question Obama’s birth in the years after the president released his birth certificate.

“Think of how unsafe that is”, she continued.

“I think Barack has answered those questions with the example he’s set: by going high when they go low”.

“One of the things that we all are used to in this business is dog whistles, but the thing that we’re not used to, and I’m finding it very hard to getting used to, are the howls of wolves”.

Jake Godin

Trump campaign: Obama born in the US