Party electors nearly always vote for the candidate that wins the state’s popular vote, even if they are considered “unbound”, as they are in Texas. Adding to the discussion are recent reports of individual electors in the states carried by Trump enduring outside pressure to change their votes from Trump to Clinton.
Probably the most egregious power grab of the Electoral College is that for people who comprise the loyal opposition in areas dominated by the other party, their votes count for nothing. Why not hold nationwide elections for senators, or abolish the Senate altogether?
Now in Arizona, a state which voted for Trump, activists are trying to overturn that by pushing the state’s members of the Electoral College to vote for someone other than Trump. If the popular vote is to prevail in the near future, the Democrats may just have to nominate stronger candidates, show a more compelling sense of objective, and run better campaigns than they did this year and 16 years ago. Some also believe that it is good that only a few states determine the outcome of an election because the voters in the swing states are exposed to the most information and are in a position to make the most informed decision. In 2016, Donald Trump won a smaller percentage than Hillary Clinton among women, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, voters ages 18 to 44, members of labor unions, those with an income under $50,000, college graduates and those with postgraduate educations, Jews, liberals and moderates, urbanites, and those living in the East and the West.
They’re pretty rare in modern political history.
It’s the 538 Americans who actually elect the president.
Despite President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton now leads the popular vote by almost 1 million votes.
Trump leads Clinton in Michigan by about 13,000 votes, according to the Michigan Department of State. Each state’s electors are equal in number to its senators and representatives – six for Utah.
The Constitution is silent on this point, which suggests electors can go their own way.
As it has turned out over time, however, the candidate with the majority of the popular vote in a state, in a winner-take-all arrangement (except for two smaller states) gets the votes of the presidential electors ( the Electoral College) in that state. But I’m pretty sure no one saw this coming, except for Washington who warned us of political parties – an arrangement not designed by our Constitution.
In the past, Trump has been critical of the Electoral College.
Birke said that, ideally, a single Clinton voter in every state would file an identical lawsuit in order to bolster his claims.
He said he has heard from ecstatic Clinton supporters and even supportive Republicans, but also from outraged Trump backers writing “threatening and vile things”.
A Gore elector, Lett-Simmons abstained as a public protest for her home city having no voting representation in Congress.
Varying by state are elector selection and responsibilities, as well as how they vote.
“One of my legal colleagues suggests that the joint session is the “break glass in case of emergency” – it’s the last line of defense against an election that may have been corrupted in some way”, Neale said.
“The argument can always be made that, ‘Well, Sec”. Interesting that he wouldn’t be the president-elect without the Electoral College system. The 2020 presidential field could include some or all of a long list of ambitious office-holders: Sen.
This isn’t the first time electors have faced pressure to undo the results of Election Day.