Trump turns up pressure before midterms, focused on Senate
One way to gauge the current state of Trump support is to watch the Senate race pitting incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Warren against Republican Geoff Diehl, who is not just the former co-chair of Trump’s campaign in MA but who has pitched himself as a partner, someone who will advance the president’s agenda in Washington.
The writer goes on to optimistically paint a bright picture for Democrats, but concludes with this: “Indeed, the district polls, district forecasts and national polls agree that the district that puts Democrats over the top will not be won by a large margin”. “You see how they’ve behaved”.
“You saw that barbed wire going up. They’ve really become radicalized”. With hours to go until polls closed, he harshened his rhetoric on illegal immigration and lobbed attacks at Democrats. On the internet, you can watch ad-free election results on C-SPAN from 8 pm EST (6:30 am on 7 November IST).
Fortunately, there’s another figure whose performance on Tuesday can help us understand the extent of Trump’s support: our Trump-skeptical Republican governor, Charlie Baker.
Ultimately, Bannon concludes that “the best case for Republicans is a one- or two-seat hold in the House”. And if there was any doubt that this election is all about Trump, he made that clear.
“I appreciate our farmers’ patience during negotiations and I am confident that everyone will be better off soon”, he told The Gazette, an Iowa newspaper, last month.
Republicans and Democrats were making frenzied, final pushes on Sunday to motivate their voters ahead of midterm elections seen as a referendum on President Donald Trump’s divisive first two years in office.
Most of the economists and researchers are suggesting that the markets should be braced for a divided Congress as Democrats seem set to take control of the US House of Representatives, while the Republicans are likely to retain Senate control. Right now the GOP has a 51 seat majority.
Stops on Trump’s frenzied campaign rally schedule leading up the election include Missouri, where Sen. In the closing days Trump has brought out special guests to join him on the campaign trail.
All politics may be local, but this year President Trump is nationalizing them – and key close races across the nation tomorrow will serve as harbingers of the national political climate.
A nationwide poll released Sunday by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal details the depth of the demographic shifts.
Those voters have increasingly fled Trump’s Republican Party, turned off by his chaotic leadership style and xenophobic rhetoric.
“Part of what’s at stake here is our ability to send a message that this is not who we are”, said Karen Finney, a Democratic consultant who worked on Hillary Clinton’s losing 2016 campaign. Trump’s remarks included ominous references to the “Antifa” far-left-leaning militant groups and a migrant caravan marching toward the U.S. -Mexico border that he has called an “invasion“.
“The major issues for voters are healthcare, immigration, and trade policy”. Following the controversy surrounding the Senate confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanuagh, the Generic Congressional Ballot was tied for two weeks, but then Democrats moved back ahead.
The same soundtrack – heavy on Elton John and The Rolling Stones with a little Backstreet Boys and Rihanna thrown in – plays at the same earsplitting decibels.
There is no option C – and the people of America will make that decision. Hispanic unemployment and African-American unemployment are at the lowest level in history, and some voters in those traditionally Democratic voting blocks, unwilling to tell pollsters or fellow members of their community what they are thinking, might well vote to support the GOP and not risk wrecking the robust economy.
Democrats may well take control of the House, may even do so decisively. Repeatedly and with no evidence, Trump has claimed that Democrats want to open the borders to violent criminals and destroy the country, while invoking the rag-tag migrant caravan still hundreds of miles miles and days away from the United States border as an invading force.