Blvd Room 247 Newark in person and apply for a ballot and vote the ballot Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Katy Smith, the office’s director, said she hopes that offering almost a month of in-person absentee voting will “avoid the issue of really long lines here at our office”.
Mail-in registrations postmarked by Wednesday will also be accepted, the release said.
The first day to obtain and vote a vote-by-mail ballot for the November 8 Presidential General Election is Monday, Oct.10.
To see if you’re registered, or to check out your polling location, visit
The deadline to request an absentee ballot in Pennsylvania is Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Completed mail-in ballots must be returned to county officials by October 31.
The total number of registered voters is approaching 4.8 million as the registration deadline nears. If you have a New York State Department of Motor Vehicle issued driver license, learner permit or non-driver ID, you may submit your registration information online at the DMV’s website. Senator Peters says it is important for people to realize that politics do matter and voting makes a difference for the future of our communities.
“The law registers eligible voters without a party affiliation, and those who are enrolled can opt out”. Absentee ballot application forms may be mailed or faxed to the Cleveland County Election Board.
Centre County could be looking at a record number of registered voters this election season, according to Elections and Voter Registration Director Joyce McKinley.
The registration deadline is Tuesday at the close of business.
The main Tarrant County Elections Office, at 2700 Premier St., will be open from 8 7 p.m. Tuesday for any procrastinators.