Flu season is about to hit its peak, and while flu cases are spiking across the country, the case is not the same in Nova Scotia.
Influenza cases have ramped up in the state in recent weeks, health officials say, with 15 CT residents dying so far from seasonal flu.
If you are caring for someone with the flu, keep them out of common areas and away from others as often as possible.
“This strain is associated with more cases and more hospitalizations and more deaths”, Jernigan said. In the first week of 2018, seven more children died from the flu, bringing the total number to 20 so far for the season.
CT is still four to six weeks out from peak flu season, but in just the last three months the state has seen more than one thousand confirmed flu cases.
While flu season may be just peaking this week, the CDC recommends people who have not yet been vaccinated do so.
“Most people will recover with rest and fluids, and are urged to call their doctor or nurse hotline, rather than visit an emergency department, where wait times may be long at this time”, Los Angeles County public health officials said this week in a statement.
The CDC last month reported that the 2017-18 flu season was ramping up at a faster pace than last season. “If they are anxious about their condition, they should call their medical provider”.
Austin Regional Clinic has also seen a continued uptick in cases since mid-December. Officials said the number of cases are up by about 50 percent compared to previous year. You may also see these symptoms with a cold, but doctors said they are more flu related. That same strain is now wreaking havoc on the U.S. Some experts speculate this year’s vaccine may only be 10 percent effective against the flu strain. “The best thing is, if you’re at the right age, get vaccinated”, stated Agnes A. Enrico-Simon, MD, family medicine physician, PVH. “Whether we will reach that level this year we don’t know”, Jernigan said. The two states remaining with minimal flu cases are ME and Montana.
Their biggest concern is the high rate of people hospitalized for the flu in recent weeks.
Of the cases reported the first week of the new year, county residents over the age of 65 had the highest number flu cases reported.
“The volumes of patients coming in increased dramatically during Christmas week”, White said.