Vincent Women’s Hospital welcomes first 2016 baby

January 01 22:53 2016

The first New Year’s baby for B.C. was a boy delivered at Surrey Memorial Hospital at 12:15 a.m.

That morning, the couple believed their baby would arrive on New Year’s Eve.

The little bundle of joy weighs 6 pounds and 11 ounces, and was born at 12:59AM. He is their first child.

Proud parents are Megan and Kyle Whitman – Megan is a nurse in the maternity department at the hospital. Her mother’s initial due date was January 5.

St. Vincent Women’s Hospital welcomed its first baby of the new year just before 1 a.m. Friday.

While it is unknown if Gael is the first baby to be born in Los Angeles, hospital officials said he was the first to be born in Glendale.

His parents, big brother and big sister are all excited about the new addition to the family.

Baby Boy Born In LA Among First Of 2016

Vincent Women’s Hospital welcomes first 2016 baby